Entrepreneurship Benefits and Characteristics. A Francis Santa Guide.I personally think that the world we live in today was built by the ideas of entrepreneurs such as Francis Santa and that it continues to…Dec 28, 2021Dec 28, 2021
Francis Santa DescribesCharacteristics of Successful EntrepreneursThousands of businesses are started every year and still thousands of businesses collapse or fail on a yearly basis. In fact, research…Dec 22, 2021Dec 22, 2021
General Information About Entrepreneurship by Francis SantaYou can go anywhere in the world and you will never find two companies that are completely identical in everything. Businesses may be…Dec 17, 2021Dec 17, 2021
Francis Santa Discusses Different types of EntrepreneurshipsEntrepreneurs are as diverse as it gets in many different ways. In fact, entrepreneurs are as diverse as human beings because they are…Dec 15, 2021Dec 15, 2021
Why Entrepreneurship is Important to the EconomyLiterally every technology or service or product that we enjoy today resulted from the endless and hard work of entrepreneurship. Thus…Dec 8, 2021Dec 8, 2021
Francis SantaFrancis Santa was born on May 4th, 1959 in New York and he grew up in Rye, New York. He graduated from rye High School, where he was…Sep 24, 2021Sep 24, 2021